Determination of the density of liquids


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In the determination of the density of solids in Experiment ME 1.5, the density was determined as the quotient of mass and volume from a weighing to determine the mass and measurement of volume by different methods. As a prerequisite for this experiment, it was assumed that the mass and volume of water are numerically identical, i.e. that the quotient of both – the density – has a value of 1 g∕cm3.

This should now be confirmed experimentally by the same method: weighing a quantity of a material and measuring its volume.

  1. First the students are to determine the density of water from a volume measurement in a graduated cylinder, a weight determination and then a calculation.
  2. The students should then determine the density of a table salt solution (approx. 10%) which they made themselves by the same method.


  • Real stand material for an esecially stable and safe setup
  • Student-suitable experiment descriptions with reports available

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